Top 10 Things People Forget When Packing

Pre-vacation preparation comes with a flurry of activities. We are so busy that often times we forget some of the essential things when packing for our trips. Making a checklist of items to pack can really cut down on the things that you forget to pack. 

The following are the top 10 things people forget to pack:

1. Umbrella

You never know how the weather will be on your trip. Better safe than sorry as far as bad weather goes.

2. Phone Charger

Pack at least one. A second one is useful if someone else in your party has forgotten to pack theirs.

3. Sunglasses

When the sun is out and you're relaxing on the beach, you'll be kicking yourself if you forget your favorite pair of sunglasses.

4. Prescriptions

Make sure you pack enough for your vacation plus a few extra pills, just in case.

5. Passport or Driver's License

If you're going out of the country, you're going to need your passport. For travel inside of your country, it is best if you bring some form of identification.

6. Deodorant

There is nothing worse than realizing you forgot your deodorant at home.

7. Bathing suit

Forgetting a bathing suit could the beginning of your tropical vacation a complete bummer. Be sure to remember to pack a bathing suit you are comfortable in!

8. Brush/comb

Bedhead. Enough said.

9. Sweatshirt/sweater

Even when you're vacationing someplace warm, the night can get chilly and you'll be happy when you realize you remembered to pack a cozy sweatshirt.

10. Underwear

Forgetting to pack underwear happens far more often than you might imagine.

By remembering each of these important items your vacation is basically guaranteed to go smoother and be more relaxing overall.

Do you find yourself forgetting to pack something that isn't on our list? Feel free to let us know in the comments below!


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